FAVORITE HOLIDAY MOVIES you can watch online!

The best Holiday Movies you can watch on Netflix and Amazon RIGHt NOW!

As Justin and I do not have cable, we’ve been watching non-stop movies online! Both Netflix and Amazon! I believe you can also watch a few on the local channel’s website too! But, these are the ones we watched!

SANTA CLAUSE on AMAZON (rentable on Amazon)

I just love this movie! It’s funny, heartfelt, and filled with great family moments!


I am a huge fan of the original cartoon and the Jim Carey versions! Even though I would watch the cartoon version over the other any day!

I tried watching the new cartoon version, and I DO NOT LIKE IT! I couldn’t finish it.

Which one is your favorite!?

CHRISTMAS with the KRANKS (Netflix)

Maybe I just love Tom Allen!? This one is a good one too! Even though I hate how the town treats him for not wanting to participate and a few other things. But I simply love the ending!


This movie by FAR is my favorite, and I cannot believe we haven’t watched it yet! I am also wondering why I don’t own it yet!

I love this movie because you can watch it for Halloween OR Christmas!

CHRISTMAS STORY (rentable on Amazon)

This movie is a classic and needs to be watched by everyone every year! My favorite parts are when he shoots his eye out and when they get the leg lamp! “Fragile! Must be from France!

Almost any Hallmark Movies!

I don’t care who you are; Hallmark and Lifetime movies are hard NOT to watch this time of year! I was so excited when I saw that Amazon Prime had a lot of them available online!

So, of course, I have been watching sooo many of these while I work! They may have the same storyline over and over, but they are always soo happy! Happy and filled with so many life lessons about kindness!

What is your favorite Holiday Movie!? Comment below!

Ultimate Movie list for December
photo via Unsplash.com by Kelly Sikkema